Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Weekly Update February 17, 2014

Hello again everyone!

This week was also pretty generic. We spent much time following-up on those whom we found last week, without much success.

The highlight of our week this week was a breakthrough we had with Paul.  When we met with him on Wednesday, he told us that he is at a point where the only way he'll be able to know for certain is to pray and ask God.  We've been telling him for a long time that was the only way, but he's fought against it, always looking for some fault in what we say, something he disagrees with.  He admitted that he can find no fault in what we teach him.  That it in no way goes against anything he believes in.  We took the opportunity to invite him to come to the baptism that the other two elders in our ward--Elders Huntington and Tarati--had on Saturday.  He attended, and really enjoyed himself.  He loved the simplicity of the baptism, and said it was beautiful.  He was also welcomed right away by the ward members, particularly the bishop and his wife.  We also found out that one of the recent converts in our ward knows him!  The stake president was also there, and had a long chat with Paul.  He committed Paul to come to church the next day.  He said he would.

Unfortunately, Paul didn't attend yesterday.  He is experiencing a lot of resistance from his wife.  We aren't really sure about what to do about her, other than pray for her heart to soften.  We know that Paul really felt something special at the baptism.  He admitted to it.  Be he doesn't want to cause conflict in his family.  I hope we're able to figure out what to do.  I'm sure we will.

Other than that, there isn't much to report on for this week.  I hope everybody has a good week. I love your all!

Elder Rosier

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